The Road and The Gate
09/27/15 - Matthew 7 describes the wide road and the narrow gate - which will you use?
The Road and The Gate
09/27/15 - Matthew 7 describes the wide road and the narrow gate - which will you use?
The Road and The Gate
09/27/15 - Matthew 7 describes the wide road and the narrow gate - which will you use?
Sewing Seeds
09/20/15 - The four soils are related to the condition of our heart when Christ's message is given to us.
Sewing Seeds
09/20/15 - The four soils are related to the condition of our heart when Christ's message is given to us.
2 Kings 13
08/23/15 - Elisha's last prophecy for a rebellious king.
2 Kings 13
08/23/15 - Elisha's last prophecy for a rebellious king.